

'Vampire Boy' Episode 1 is here!

Just in time for Spooky Candy Day Weekend, we're super-proud to finally present our animated short, 'Vampire Boy' for all the world to see! We recommend that you watch it fullscreen for the fully immersive UNDEAD EXPERIENCE OF BLOOD!

'Vampire Boy' has been a real labor-of-love from myself and the current rag-tag crew operating under the suspicious auspices of Monsterface Industries. My fearless co-producers 'Paradise' Dan Brennan and 'The Abominable' Georg Pedersen poured all kinds of substances into this completely independent production (blood, love, a variety of alcohols). They are heroes. I was joined by the amazing Kyle McCoy and the infamous Harlan Muir to round out our wonderful voice cast, and Harlan also pitched in with the downright nifty horn arrangement. Moreover the indomitable Jocelyn Mackenzie threw her mighty hat into our ring of madness one more time to pitch in on the Lovecrafts ad. So many helpers!

In short, we worked hard on this, and it was a real team effort. Go Team!

But the real hero is Vampire Boy himself, and if you'd like to write to him, drop him a note at:
vampireboyundead(at)gmail(dot)com, or find him on OkCupid

He's even got his own blog: vampireboywebsite.com
(can you believe he could get that URL?)

If you have an inkling of an interest, please share this around, we'd love for it to get seen.

It is indeed our hope to create a second episode of this little beast, and we are already in pre-production for it. But it will take us a bit of time unless you are a cigar mogul who wants to write us a giant check. By which we mean comically over-sized. We do have some other projects lingering about, and I'll be selling my puppety pictures for the holidays, so don't get your knickers in a bunch waiting breathlessly.

Thanks for checking it out, and thanks for being awesome!
